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About Us

White Rocks Marina and Boatyard is located on a 7.24 acre parcel in Arundel County in Pasadena, Maryland. We are the 3rd largest marina in the county and are family owned and operated. The marina has 1,000 feet of completely bulkheaded water frontage on the southern shore of Rock Creek, a Chesapeake Bay tributary at the mouth of the Patapsco River. Rock Creek has a deep and wide channel (12 to 15 feet deep, close to the shoreline) which allows us to accommodate large sail boats with deep drafts as well as large power yachts.

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Boaters leaving Rock Creek have easy access to Baltimore and Annapolis harbors. The marina is close to Route 100, allowing a twenty minute drive to Annapolis, Baltimore and Interstate 95.

There are currently 375 permanent slips distributed along five newly renovated, t-shaped piers. The piers and boatyard are well lit and you have unrestricted access to your boat. Boats from 15 to 45 feet in length can be accommodated.